Photos from the studio!

We just started tracking for the new album on Monday!

I am so excited!! The new songs sound incredible. I cannot wait for you to hear them.
Here is a pic of the guys who have been recording in the The Toy Box Studio this week.

From LtoR: Doug Lancio (guitar), Lindsay Jamieson (drums), Justin Cary (bass), Jacob Lawson (producer), Lij Shaw (engineer)

I’ll be Tweeting & Facebooking you throughout this process. This should be fun.

If you’re after a more inside look, make sure and pre-buy through the PledgeMusic Campaign. That’s where I’ll be posting exclusive videos, pics and who knows what else?!

After this I’m headed to Tampa and the Philadelphia area for a couple shows and an Inside Out Faith event that you can find out more about on the shows page.

Stay tuned, jump in…Let’s do this!


Join the PledgeMusic campaign now for an inside look at the album! You’ll get immediate access to several behind-the-scenes updates, including video of two new songs.