Brrrrr! Finally, the first cold snap is here and I know what you’re thinking…CHRISTMAS!!!!! Right? Oh, yeah!

Mix up the eggnog, unpack those ugly sweaters and definitely, definitely put Hymns of Christmas into heavy rotation!

NEW this year, Margaret Becker and I have prepared a special present for you all. We are digitally releasing two new songs, “The Family Christmas Survival Guide” and “C’mon Amazon!” They are sure to be crowd favorites and put a smile on your otherwise frozen faces.

You can also catch us LIVE in a few select cities. Margaret and I will have a few new tricks up our sleeves that you won’t want to miss! It will be loads of fun for the whole family. (I promise I won’t be (too) naughty!) So come out, share in a little Christmas cheer (and don’t forget the presents!)

Of course, we are also performing our annual online Christmas concert. Think of it! You can sit at home in your warm jammies and drink spiked hot cocoas. Or you can invite your friends over and host a party like we do. It’s a great excuse to mull the wine and host a sing-a-long!

I’m soooo excited…Ho! Ho! Ho! See you soon!


The Kansas and Back Around tour starts this weekend! For a bit of a twist, I’ll be playing 2 sets every night: one of Love Comes Back Around material, and one of Career 1.0 stuff!

We’ve added a new show in Austin on October 25 at the 04 Center! Buy tickets for that one here.

Be sure to join me and David Robert King for a 3-day songwriting workshop October 11-14 in Decatur, GA — only 20 places available. More info on that here.

Don’t worry, West Coast dates will be added for Spring 2019.

To hold you over until I reach your city, you can listen to these new podcast interviews with Heathen, Holy Heretics, and Conscious Construction.

And if you want to get involved to help promote these shows, sign up for KStreet here.

See you out there!


Greetings music lovers!

This Fall and next Spring I’m back on the road and headed your way! The Kansas and Back Around tour is gonna be a blast. For a bit of a twist, I’ll be playing 2 sets every night!

This format is largely a result of the fun we’ve been having at our #2ndThursday online shows. These shows have been a real pleasure. It’s been a way for me to stay connected while you waited for me to get through grad school. At last, I survived! I’m a full-fledged Master of Theological Studies from Vanderbilt. YEAH! Thank you all so much for your patience and encouragement.

The online shows have proved to be a fun way to revisit (and re-learn) a lot of old music that I haven’t always taken the time to appreciate. You have been a part of that process – of loving and reclaiming some really wonderful music.

I know you all deeply love the 2.0 stuff, but you’ve never given up making many requests for a lot of the 1.0 (or ‘old stuff’), even though I don’t tend to play much of it at live concert venues. So, this time out, I thought it would be fun to play a lot more to let you get all teary-eyed and nostalgic! That’s right, you’ll get a whole hour of Legacy Knapp to go along with all the latest songs!

In the meantime, Margaret Becker and I have been getting up to our Christmas hijinks this summer and cooking up some new music for this winter. Expect to see a 3-song release this fall! A few Becker/Knapp originals to add to the pantheon of holiday cheer! We’re doing a run of live Christmas concerts this winter as well as an online show as well. So, stayed tuned for more details!

We’ve also been busy ‘behind the scenes’ working on KStreet, our street team. We’ve got some brilliant organizers who are not only trying to spread the word on all things ‘Knapp,’ but are also creatively thinking of unique experiences and community we can do together. Check out the link to sign up here. It’s not only a way to get involved, but it’s also being on the cutting edge of news/shows/and more!

I’m starting to explore the idea of doing songwriting workshop experiences. I’ll be doing one with the stormy David Robert King this October in Georgia. It’s amazing and inspiring to be around so many different folks who think and write in their own unique ways. Not to mention, I’m sure that we’ll all have a blast just jamming together!  Space is limited to only 20 people so be quick & sign up here.

Yup! Lots going on…see you ‘out there!’

Lots of love,
