In time for your holiday shopping, get 25% off Jennifer Knapp merchandise from the online store! That means deals on music, t-shirts, hats, Knappsacks, and more. We're also offering a special Career 2.0 Music Bundle of all the post-hiatus albums, including a very limited quantity of signed Evolving EPs. Orders placed by December 14 will arrive in time for Christmas within the US.

Also in the store: Knappchats! Book a 30-minute private online or phone chat with Jennifer for you or a friend.

Happy shopping!

Dear friends,

Where did the time go? Study, read, study, read, rinse repeat…ah that’s where it went. TONIGHT is the next in our 2nd Thursdays Retro Series: The Way I Am Live. I am really looking forward to this one as I don’t play many songs from this album as a solo acoustic performer. It has been a fun challenge to practice and return them to their original acoustic versions.

Digging into The Way I Am brings up both sorrow and joy for me (not that that is a surprise to any of you! LOL)

At tonight’s show, I’ll talk about what wasn’t on the record, my contemplation of a major life shift, disappointment and what I didn’t know was the start of an utterly different direction…

I’ll be playing the record live online via Concert Window. Hope you can join me tonight in my living room.


P.S. If you want to see me in person, I’ll be playing two shows in Texas next month! Buy tickets here.

The day has finally arrived!

I'm pleased to announce that the PledgeMusic campaign for record #6 has officially commenced!

Join in:

We had so much fun during Set Me Free, but I can't wait to see what new and exciting things we're going to accomplish this time.

I've spent this last year writing some tunes I'm really excited about. I must have been in a romantic mood, because there's a theme happening here: it's all about the love.

Love is such an amazing subject because it never ceases to amaze; there is so much to it. More than just romance, it requires patience, forgiveness and strength. It's intimate and dangerous, marvelous and tragic, even plentiful and elusive. In a way, it seems I've been led down the path of exploring that old favorite verse you hear so often at weddings "love is patient, love is kind…"

But don't be fooled, there's some vintage JK headed your way with plenty to celebrate and cry about. I truly hope this will be a collection that tugs at your heart!

So come on in and be a part of the making of … what are we gonna call it? Log in and you'll be the first to know!

I cannot say enough about how encouraged I am by your ongoing presence, support and interest in my musical journey. Without a doubt, you have fueled it, in the past and now toward the future. Thank you for being here. Thank you for begging for more Pledge action…I look forward to giving back with #6.

Let's do this!

