You love it. I love it.
So let's do more!

I'm talking Concert Window online performances.

I'm pleased to announce the 2nd Thursdays Retro Series.

Every second Thursday this fall, I will be going back in time, performing record by record, each album in its entirety. We've already done Kansas to huge acclaim, so we're gonna move on to Lay It Down, The Way I Am, and revisit Letting Go and Set Me Free. And if that's not enough, yes… I'll even do an encore performance of Kansas.

That's weeks of regularly scheduled, timeless music all for your listening pleasure. (Wait…I sound like a TimeLife infomercial from the 80s!)

Who knows, maybe I'll play the odd yet-to-be-recorded new songs slated for record #6. Keep your eyes peeled for the announcement of the upcoming PledgeMusic campaign. The launch is fast approaching!

See you there!

Greetings all!

Now that spring has sprung, how about a beautiful, bright music video to go along with it? Because you're awesome and have been so encouraging, I'm happy to present "Set Me Free," another delightful piece of cinematography from my favorite visual artist, Fairlight Hubbard. Watch it, tweet it, favorite and share it with others!

On the live concert front, I've been doing this little nifty set list I call the TwoOneTwo. It's been loads of fun. The format is simple: I play songs from one record, followed by a single new song, as yet unrecorded. This guarantees you'll hear something from every record, all the way from Kansas to Set Me Free. I came up with it on a whim during our run of shows and it was such a fan favorite that it's stuck! So for the many of you that have the courage to shout out your favorite tunes many of your requests have made it into the current set. But I will warn you, not every night is the same. Sometimes I cheat a little and play a few more than two from a given record!

As for what's ahead, I'm starting to set some dates for more online shows. After the HUGE success of the Kansas online concert I suspect there may be a reprise for those of you so upset about missing out the first time. Follow me on Concert Window so you don't miss out on the next one.

I'm planning on separate, full album performances of all the records. So we've got Lay It Down and The Way I Am to look forward to in the very near future. As always, I'll try and cook up some unique, one-time swag to go with the concert to help cement our memorable moments together.

For those of you Kansas fans out there (my how passionate you are!), I've got some news to share soon about die-hard collector's item you won't want to miss. I'll leave it there for now and let your imaginations run wild…

Make sure and check out the live shows near you and I'll see you there!


Oh, yeah, you know what time it is… SPRING!

OK, maybe I’m a little ahead of Punxsutawney Phil, but forget him… it’s the yellow daffodils that truly catapult my spirit into spring! They’re on their way, I can feel it!

Yellow daffodils are my favorite flower because they remind me that the drudgery of winter hibernation is over. Even with the occasional cold snap that may be still to come, their vibrant color energizes me! If they’re popping up in yards in my neighborhood, it means the wild ones are popping up along the highways of America. I start getting restless. I wanna to get out on the road and start doing some shows.

I very much enjoyed my winter break. I got to do some family catch up, spend some time at home and even got chilled out enough to do some songwriting!

Spring means new things, so keep your eyes peeled and a few dates free in your busy schedules. I’d love to catch up with you!

March starts the touring season, with a few dates in Florida (finally!). I’ll head back up to the Northeast and hit the Mid-South… and that’s just what I know of now.

So, keep your ear to the ground, because there are also going to be online shows as well. In April I’ll be showcasing some new songs in an online mini-concert series from Concert Window called “New Beginnings.” I’ll break out some absolutely new songs and am toying with playing a few cover tunes along side them. I’ll most likely dive into how I approach songwriting and what inspires me along the way… I’m really looking forward to this one!

See ya there!