My new album Love Comes Back Around comes out June 23! I am so excited to share it with you. The first single “New Day” premiered on Elmore Magazine last week. Pre-order the album on PledgeMusic here or your preferred digital outlets here and you’ll get instant downloads of “New Day” and “Roman Holiday.”

Summer tour starts tonight! We’ve added lots of new dates with many more to come. Hope you can join me. See the list of dates below or on tour page.

Much love,


WOW! For months I have been eagerly anticipating the title. LOVE COMES BACK AROUND is perfect!

As an Executive Producer through the PledgeMusic campaign, and a long time devotee, I am so proud and honored to have my name associated with Jennifer’s new album. As with all of you, this pledge campaign has given me the opportunity to be a part of something so meaningful to so many.
From the first day in the recording studio, watching Jennifer carefully craft each note, creating memories that I will cherish for a lifetime, I wondered which song would reign as my favorite.

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FORGET THE PAST took the early lead. As I have listened to other tracks through various phases of production, RETURN TO ME, PERFECT PARDON, LOVE COMES BACK AROUND … each speaking to me in their own way, more favorites have emerged.
A testament to the depth of Jennifer Knapp’s talent, I’m sure.

Now, as the release date of LOVE COMES BACK AROUND draws closer, my excitement and anticipation builds. Soon, everyone will have the opportunity to experience the latest album from one of the most deeply moving artists of our ti
me. Together, with all of you, we can take pride in knowing we helped make this new journey possible.

Thank you, Jennifer Knapp, for another memorable collection from your heart and soul.


Pre-order Love Comes Back Around here

When Jennifer Knapp announced last year that she was recording a new album and doing a PledgeMusic campaign, I was overjoyed. Having new JK songs is always a gift that keeps on giving. The PledgeMusic campaign offers unique opportunities to get an inside look at the creative process. As a perk, you get to buy exclusive items that serve as mementos and memories forever. In addition, it allows us to support an amazing, gifted and talented indie artist.

This year I pledged, as I did with Set Me Free, to be an executive producer. This gets me several things: a studio visit, my name on the liner notes of the CD, and a chance to hear the songs after the mixing is done and before they are released.

So, to Nashville I went with my bff Lisa to spend a day at the studio.

Jennifer, Yvonne, and Lisa
Jennifer, Yvonne, and Lisa

There that day were Joe Costa, the sound engineer, Viktor Krauss, the producer and bass player, Jano, the drummer, and of course Jennifer Knapp, with her amazing voice and guitar. The studio offered an intimate and personal space where the energy was electrifying and the skill and expertise of everyone involved was evident. All collaborating together, listening intently to every note and every sound being made and offering suggestions and feedback to make what was already good even better. Seeing Jennifer do the vocals and playing the guitar in the booth, working hard to ensure that the sounds being produced stayed true to what she envisioned for each song from its inception. The day was intense and I know tiring for them, but through it all one could sense a feeling of camaraderie and affection between them. They spend very long exhausting hours together but yet never stop until every sound reaches perfection.

Inside the studio
Inside the studio
Look who's on the montior!
Look who’s on the montior!

Then JK sent me the mixed recordings of all the songs that will be on the record. Let me begin by saying this is a masterpiece. Jennifer’s vocals, as always, are spot on, ranging from higher notes to that low deep tone we all so love. Interesting and exciting are the new sounds she brought on board on this project. Acoustic sounds we had not heard before by Jano, brass wind instruments (JK on the trumpet?!!), and upright bass by Viktor created music unique to this JK album. Of course, never to be overlooked, are meaningful lyrics that are one of the greatest gifts JK offers us through her music.

Jennifer has once again created a recording that will leave her hand print in our hearts.

In all, this new album is a must-have for personal listening pleasure and as gifts to others. I know, for a fact that everyone who listens to it will not be disappointed but rather will feel joy and continued admiration for her craft. Pre-order now!
