Announcing a new Concert Window series with online performances of Lay It Down, The Way I Am, and more!

You love it. I love it.
So let's do more!

I'm talking Concert Window online performances.

I'm pleased to announce the 2nd Thursdays Retro Series.

Every second Thursday this fall, I will be going back in time, performing record by record, each album in its entirety. We've already done Kansas to huge acclaim, so we're gonna move on to Lay It Down, The Way I Am, and revisit Letting Go and Set Me Free. And if that's not enough, yes… I'll even do an encore performance of Kansas.

That's weeks of regularly scheduled, timeless music all for your listening pleasure. (Wait…I sound like a TimeLife infomercial from the 80s!)

Who knows, maybe I'll play the odd yet-to-be-recorded new songs slated for record #6. Keep your eyes peeled for the announcement of the upcoming PledgeMusic campaign. The launch is fast approaching!

See you there!

1 Comment

  1. Hey Jennifer,

    I haven’t followed you in years but my father recently passed and i was singing hymns to him on his death bed and one was your amazing and one of my favorite songs ever, version of Proverbs 3:5-6 on your first album Diamond in the Rough I believe. I saw you back in like 96 or 97 at the Mary Harden Baylor Concert…just you, a mic, and your guitar….spectacular show. You rocked it and I loved it. I bought your CD that night and played it to its death…well really i lost it many many years later sadly and have never found another copy of it to buy in stores…probably should google that LOL…anyhow, I am glad to see you are still covered and smothered in the faith and being true to yourself. Thank you for your service and for being huge in my spiritual life. God bless you!!! Guess I need to go check out your new stuff…looks like you have been busy and digging deep.

    Your Friend


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