As always, it’s your enduring enthusiasm that has kept me going all these years. So why not celebrate it from the beginning by performing the entire Kansas record? After so many requests, I’ve taken the plunge. So tomorrow, August 20, it’s on!

Join me for an online Kansas concert August 20 at 8pm CDT!

Many have you have been requesting these songs at recent concerts and I’ve shied away, simply because I didn’t have the confidence that I could even remember how to play them. Not surprising, considering I haven’t even hummed some of the songs in over 15 years!

And yes, it’s true, in order to practice I have had to Google some cheats on a few, but once I put my fingers to the frets, it all (ok, most of it) comes pouring back.

There have been a few surprises along the way as well. For example, I rarely performed “Visions” due to its length and timing challenges. While the I find myself critiquing my songwriting from 20 years ago, I find (much to my surprise) that the guitar work on this record is as easy as it’s ever been.

I’ve got a lot more to say about the experience, but I’ll save it for the concert. I’ll talk as much about the playing, the songwriting and the spirituality of the record as much as you egg me on. As usual, I’ll have a chat moderator, so make sure to chime in with those questions about the music you’ve been dying to ask all these years…

As an added bonus, Derek Webb is going to drop in and play a few of his own to get us all warmed up.

This is going to be so much fun!


PS… If you can, make sure and buy your tickets prior to the broadcast day. This insures that we know what our technical load is going to be and our host, ConcertWindow is prepared to offer the appropriate support. This means a better viewing experience for all!

Woohoo! I'm coming to California this weekend!

It's been a while, so I'm super stoked to be back!

And here's a little JK trivia for ya… LA's Hotel Cafe was the very first venue I played after my hiatus. My knees were shaking so bad, I swear I sounded like a bleating goat! I was so nervous. I was convinced I'd bomb. But as we know, everything turned out fabulous and now, I'm back to my old tricks. No nervous knees this time! It's going to be brilliant.

And let's not forget San Francisco either! Hotel Utah is a new venue for me, so I'm looking forward to making new friends. Let's show them how we roll… See you there!
