Concert for Love and Acceptance

Tomorrow I’ll be doing something I honestly never imagined likely or
possible. I’ll be performing during CMA week here in Nashville alongside
some of the most talented and very “out” artists the South has ever seen at the Concert for Love and Acceptance.
Country music veteran Ty Herndon and GLAAD are hosting one of the
most visible shows of support for the LGBTQ community during one of the
most publicized weeks of the year here in The ‘Ville and it’s a big deal.
(And Crystal Gayle will be there, performing “Don’t It Make My Brown Eyes
Blue.” What an all-around classic!)

On that note, I’d like to take a personal moment to express my gratitude
to you. Often times, we artists (and allies) are credited with “courage”
for risking to share our truth but the story is only half complete. For
every day that I get to do what I what I love and was born to do, it
happens because I have thousands behind me lifting me up. So, in
appreciation of National Pride Month, I’d like to personally thank you for
your support. Not only does it mean that I have a place to play, but it
paves the way for so many others to continue on their journey because they
can see the possibilities. Whether you have realized it or not, the fact
that you have stuck around for all these years, through my “thick and
thin,” is in part why at this week’s concert it is even possible for some
LGBTQ artists to fully chase their passion of music with their full

Deeply, thank you. You make me so very proud to know you.

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  1. I just want to say thank YOU again JK! I had the privilege and honor of seeing you Friday at this show…and saying hello afterward. I can’t express to you just HOW much I appreciated seeing/hearing you as part of this incredible event.

    I’m just a regular dude from Illinois, not an activist, just a low key guy. I grew up listening to a LOT of CCM and one day realized I was gay. It never occurred to me a day like Friday would come…but it did. And I’m grateful.

    And your voice added a LOT to the show!

    THANK YOU for standing up and being counted and sharing your music and story with the world.

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